2024-2025 Registration for Returning and New Students to WISD
New and Returning Student Registration is now open in Family Access
Returning Students
Please log into your student(s) family access under Family Links on the website www.winonaisd.org and when logged in click on the last tile, 2024-2025 Registration. Please make sure to complete each step and review and complete. If this is not completed by June 14th, it is possible that your student(s) schedule/placement for next year could be delayed. If you have never received a log in for Family Access, please contact your student(s) campus for this information.
New Student Online Registration
Please use this link provided for new students enrolling in WISD on the website www.winonaisd.org. Located under Menu, Family Links, and Student Enrollment.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any campus, administration or email registration@winonaisd.org.